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Botulinum Toxin

Cairan botox berupa protein yang terbuat dari toksin botulinum disuntikkan pada area yang ingin diperbaiki seperti, dahi, pelipis, smile line, rahang, dagu, ujung mata, hidung. Botox bermanfaat untuk mengurangi kerutan dan merelaksasi otot tertentu sehingga lebih kencang.

Tailored Treatments for Every Need

Personalized care for your unique skin

We understand that no two skins are alike. That’s why our Custom Facial services are uniquely tailored to address your specific skin concerns.

Our expert specialists carefully assess your skin’s needs and create a targeted plan to ensure optimal results.

Unlock Your Skin’s Potential

Benefits of Botox

Experience deep cleansing, hydration, and relaxation tailored specifically to enhance your skin’s health and appearance.

Mengencangkan kulit kendur sesuai harapan
Memudarkan kerutan di area mata dan smiling line
Merangsang produksi kolagen, mengurangi tanda-tanda
Penuaan seperti kerutan halus dan kehilangan elastisitas.

Services Botox

Botox Crowsfeet

Bottox Upper Face

Masseter Botox

Plathysma Botox

Trapezius Botox ( traptox)

Shoulder botox